Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Operation; Think Happy (pt 4)

"I pledge to list 7 things that makes me happy, that makes me thankful, that makes me love life!"

1. Re-visiting something that I haven't done in years...bowling!!!

2. Remembering the reason why I don't go bowling...hehehe

3. Having lovely lunches in beautiful locations

4. Reading...reading...and reading some more

5. TV shows that make me laugh so hard my stomach hurts...regularly!

6. Thinking about and then buying birthday presents!

7. Thinking about what the future might hold...


Getting back to basics...

So last night i finished a book that I completely adored.

Dear John by Nicholas Sparks. I haven't seen the movie, though I certainly do intend to after finishing the book. Obviously if you know anything about Nicholas Sparks, you will realise that it's a love story. And it was, which I usually stick my nose up at. But this one was...hmm wonderful! It made me laugh, cry and gave me warm fuzzies inside.

You need to read it. Now. Off you go!


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Spontaneous night time adventures...

I love my big, crazy Greek family. I mean sometimes I wish I could be a fly on the wall watching our interactions and gatherings. Last night was a prime example, a spontaneous birthday dinner for one of my cousins.

Here I was thinking it was only going to be immediate family - I guess by now I should know never to assume this, or maybe I should have realised by now how HUGE our immediate family is. Either way we all divide up; women in the kitchen, men manning the BBQ. Now the kitchen house is quite small, which is probably why we always pray for good weather so we can eat outside. (Not that this will stop us, Christmas was held under tarps as the rain poured down around us.) I have no idea how we managed to fit about 20 women in the kitchen, bustling over the stove, washing up dishes, making food on the limited counter space and many children running around our feet plus one new gorgeous baby girl (I'm not biased just because she is my cousin), without seriously injuring someone, but hey I guess it's a talent!

Once all the food is ready and laid out on the massive table (and I'm not kidding you, I could barely see the table cloth under the mass of dishes), we all proceed to eat. And eat. And eat. And then when we are finished doing that we eat some more! It's a hard job, but someone's got to do it :)

And of course, that's just the main meal! After years of gatherings, functions, birthdays, weddings, christenings, and any other reason to get together I've learnt one thing. And this must be you're lucky day because I am going to divulge this valuable piece of advice to you, "Always save make room for sweets!" It's true! No matter how good you think the food you just ate was, believe me, nothing can compare to the sweets my aunty's and cousins make!

Oh and did I mention the massive bottle of Moet we cracked open? Or maybe how glad I am that I didn't have to drive home?

Yeah, it was 3L...


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Operation; Think Happy (pt 3)

"I pledge to list 7 things that makes me happy, that makes me thankful, that makes me love life!"

1. Seeing many familiar faces and catching up on the in's and out's

2. Graduation!

3. Feeling all special and grown up...well kinda

4. Galaktoboureko - and if you don't know what that is, you're missing out on the best cake ever!

5. Knowing that we are over half way in booking Europe accommodation...

6. Dancing and all kinds of night time craziness

7. Spending hours lounging in front of the TV watching cooking shows and then spending the next 2 hours craving whatever food they were cooking!


Friday, April 9, 2010

amusing incidents (pt 1)...

Today en route to Thai with my lunch date we walked past a few other eateries. One man sitting outside eating his lunch was wearing a pirate hat just like Captain Jacks! Arrrrrr...

Campbelltown is an interesting place...


Operation; Think Happy (pt 2)

"I pledge to list 7 things that makes me happy, that makes me thankful, that makes me love life!"

1. Spontaneous lunch dates with the most awesome of friends

2. Holding my brand new baby cousin for the first time

3. Trying new things - like that new recipe (win) or hitting a golf ball (fail miserably) but altogether having a good time!

4. Expressing my inner wogginess

5. Reading countless stories filled with nonsense and fluffiness for hours

6. Being on school holidays - even though uni holidays were SO much better!

7. Kicking my cousins butt at the Easter egg challenge last Saturday after midnight church!