Monday, January 11, 2010

midnight madmen...

Last night as I lay awake in my bed trying with all my might to actually fall asleep (that's what you get when you have a nap in the late afternoon) I suddenly heard loud voices coming from my next door neighbours.

Now I am already not too happy with them as they leave every single one of their outside lights on ALL night (well until about 3 or 4 am), one of which shines directly into my bedroom and no matter what I do with my blinds I have light shining in illuminating my room. But this I have grown used to, I can handle that after 6 months or so of dealing with it.

But late night screaming at each other? Seriously? What is so important that you must have a screaming match at 1am? And of course I had my window open as it's just so damn hot I needed a little breeze stagnant air entering into my boiling bedroom before I could even attempt to sleep. And it's not even the first time! I go to bed most nights and I can here the TV on as if I was in the same room, clear as day. I mean have a little consideration of others!

And so my final point today is, remember just because you want to be until 4am every night, doesn't mean we all do.


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