We played leap frog with a stupid car full of p-platers on the way there...probably due to the fact that I had to be hypo and wave as they went past. We finally arrived at Glenfield and headed straight to the drive thru, when the other car darts in front at the last second. We wait
The funniest point of the night? Was it when the car in front of us yelled at the poor girl serving to "give this to the car behind us" ('this' was in fact a subway napkin with a number on it...how romantic!) to which the girl replied with no, as we yelled out the window for them to piss off. Or was it in fact when they realised they had left their drink behind and the girl would hold it just out of reach so the guy had to get out of the car to get it? (this was by far the funniest thing I have seen and I wish I had recorded it). No, I think it was when, as we were eating our ice-creams (yes we finally got them!) in the parking lot (classy gals that we are) dutifully ignoring the boys in the car beside us, Kate turned around and realised...shock horror...she knew them!
It was a crazy fun filled night reminding myself that I'm not too old to participate in stupidity!
PS: Anyone feel like ice-cream???